「整個虛空滿滿都是壯觀的星系,遠方不同的星系,很多很多,很大很大,好遠好遠 ………真的無法形容,遙遠遙遠的遠方,那些地球未知的領域,怎麼就近在咫尺?地球這麼大而已,人類的眼界這麼小,可是整個星空滿滿都是UFOs。有比較機械型式的飛船,也有圓盤狀,那些很遠很遠的星系,有很多飛船。」該怎麼形容呢?
“There are full of spectacular galaxies. Far, far away, lots, lots of it, enormous and afar… It’s really hard to describe. It’s from a long way away. Those places that unknown to Earth human, how come just like in front of me? The Earth is so tiny, human eyesight is so narrow, but there are full of UFOs in sky. Some of them are more mechanical style flying ship, some are round plate shapes. There are lots, lots of flying ships in those galaxies afar.” How can I tell?
R: Wow! So many UFOs.
Author: Yeah! It’s hard to believe how we can see the far away outer space civilization from the Earth. It’s so beautiful. You won’t feel alone at night because the sky is so lively.
R: Yes! We are not alone at the dark night. There are so many eyes are watching us from sky.
Author: The sky of the Earth is not the picture we saw that were taken by our tech. That’s why we can see the interaction of galaxies civilization afar from the Earth. It’s amazing! Very hard to explain the feeling. The flying ships are so enormous. It scares you. It’s big enough to cover the sky. I’m immersive and feel scary. It’s really big! I can see that there are lots, lots of flying ships in far away galaxies civilization. Moreover, the whole sky is full of those galaxies civilization that so far away that the Earth human don’t even know.
R: Yes, I read Ami’s book yesterday. I have same feeling about the interaction of the universe. We were familiar to it. But we’ve just forgot.
The stars sky is so attractive in the quiet night. Ami, where are you?
“I’m right next to you.” How amazing friend!
“Ami, dear friend.” A friend that I expected for long time made me feel the same feeling of the Author of the book “Ami”.
Ami: Little friends, how are you!
R: Ami, Ami, Ami! Ami, your book makes me feel like bathing in the spring wind. It’s so pleasant after reading every time.
Ami is so happy with laugh giggling: You two little friends, what are you playing?
R: We are looking for you to present a new article together!
Ami: I know your questions.
Author: Ami, I miss you so much.
Ami: Your question is deeper.
Ami: The aerosphere of the Earth has the effect of prism. The sky of universe is very beautiful, isn’t it? It’s just like the way I came to the Earth.
R: Indeed, it’s very beautiful. The quiet universe is never lonely. It’s lively. I’m so eager to become one of the outer space civilizations. Then we can understand more about the interaction between galaxies. People will be more harmony with each other.
Author: Why is the refraction at night? Shouldn’t it be in daylight then the sun can make the effect of refraction?
Ami: The planet bodies in between those galaxies also have the effect of refraction and enlargement.
Author: No wonder those interaction of galaxy civilizations seems like movies to me. They treated me like I didn’t exist.
Ami: You were frightened!
Author: Yes! A flying ship can cover whole sky, it’s scary!
R: it’s really enormous!
Author: Is the big flying ship really that big?
Ami: it’s real. Some of flying ships’ volume is as same as a minor planet.
R: 建這麼大,哇塞!阿米怎麼會參與地球計畫啊?你們星球上的人都有參與嗎?
R: Wow, so big! Ami, why do you get involved in the Earth plan? All of your people in your planet are involved?
Ami: Are you interested in me more than the Earth? (Ami style giggling is so friendly.)
R: The concern from outer space to the Earth will remind the Earth human to concern ourselves more!
Author: So, those flying ships that I saw are not the effect of enlargement?
阿米讀取筆者的影像意識:嗯 ……… 它們在地球的大氣層看起來,是這個樣子的。
Ami reads the author’s consciousness image: well… they look like this in the atmosphere of the Earth.
Author: Where are those refractions of galaxy civilizations from?
Ami: It’s uncertain.
R: How do these galaxies interact?
Ami: Keep routine harmony. It has to follow the interaction law.
Ami said, the spiritual teaching of the Earth is to keep the truth of the Universe peace. That is based on love.
Author: Love was repeated in books.
Ami: Love is the creation principle of the Universe.
R: Sincere wish the Earth human understands the truth and up lift to be one of the galaxy civilizations.
筆者:那麼2012 / 12 / 21之後呢?
Author: What about after December 21, 2012?
Ami: Don’t be flattered by those beautiful messages. Be practical! Friends, you have to make change.
R: Work harder and harder! It seems a long way to go.
Author: Doesn’t the Atlantis’ scientists give the whole consciousness status back to us?
Ami: Doesn’t the Earth human should strive for themselves? There are so much information for the Earth is helping the Earth human to shift by their own selves. We are only playing a role of assistant. The Earth human is the key of the Earth future.
R:我同意,天助自助者,地球人要自己努力。有很多的NEW AGE訊息,揭示著很好的道理,但是實際去作用在生活上的人不多,很可惜!
Ami: The civilization system in the Universe inherits the wisdom from God. Sages of highly civilizations help each other. But it also has to reach the evolution through the hard work by themselves, not only depends on the help from outside. The spiritual teaching on Earth is enough.
R: It’s mentioned in books that your bodies, no matter live or die, are completely awakened. You know all things from previous life. So you can connect them together. On the Earth, our bodies will make us to forget everything. In Universe, are there many planets like the Earth’s bodies? What’s the reason to design this kind of bodies for?
Ami: Once scientists made mistakes. You have to rely on the recovery and revolution of your pineal body.
R: How to recover the pineal body?
Ami: Activate pineal body through meditation, pray, deeper contemplation.
Ami said, due to respect the spiritual Master on Earth, he won’t get involved into the spiritual lessons. It seems he knew the author’s deep hearts through his beautiful and profound eye sights.
Author: How much do you know the human’s pineal body?
Ami: It’s a tool of developing potential ability.
R: Ami, do you have pineal body?
Ami: Yes, it’s bigger than human’s.
R: so you also practice on pineal body?
Ami: It has to say “train, cultivate the concentration”. Practice to us, it means to adjust habits. To train pineal body has to be led by the spiritual Master on Earth. The spiritual Master is respected by the Universe. SHE can lead souls to pass many levels directly. All the others are auxiliary.
Author: How many spiritual Masters on Earth now can lead souls to the safe spiritual realms?
Ami: Different levels spiritual Masters can lead different levels souls to the corresponding spiritual levels. But there is only one spiritual Master can liberate souls. This world is allowed only one spiritual Master to lead mass liberation of souls.
Author: How do you practice spiritually?
Ami: We pray and also cultivate concentration.
R: This is the way you evolved and lifted.
Ami: Love is the way of lift.
R: I admire this kind of beautiful world, civilization planet full of love. Thank our lovely friend, Ami.
Author: Ami, thank you.
Celestial deep sky reflects incredible enormous from afar. The sky screen is full of stars, civilization galaxies shuttle back and forth. To look up the miracle of God’s creation, feel littleness like a dust. Thank Ami, dear friend, leads us to understand the wonder of worlds as the sands of Gange’s.
※ 阿米表達的精神專注,不應視為完整性的精神發展,請勿自行嘗試。