Expedition of the Spirit Ⅳ   -- Messenger of Delivery Express

TranslatorLong Kuan


The spiritual journey of T who is a holy messenger from the kingdom of heaven uncovered an extra chapter in the Earth Plan, confirming the God's words with these writings. 

地球計劃的開端  --  金星 

Beginning of the Earth Plan  --  Venus




T的個體靈魂特質為機動支援型。T遊走於宇宙星際之間,經歷各種體驗之後, 息回報原生世界。原生世界創造的振動力,透過轉化,滲透降至低頻世界加持。與長老議會進行協商之後,T進行下一階段的旅程。降生的過程,T必須將個體靈魂的原生力量保留在原生世界,並降低自身的頻率,才能降生。




Among the 4 Venuses, 3 of them are located nearer, and the other is located further. T began his Earth Plan from the one Venus on the edge of the milkyway. (It seems like there are quite a few people who come from Venus, how strange!)

The ground on Venus was paved with gold, which had the texture of diamonds. There were golden flowers with diamonds in the center, able to sing and move around; the light breeze swept your face like music, and the air was cool and fresh; the color of the sea was like the sapphire; animals were the manifestation of light, and the light could be manifested into any desired or needed shape, the human body being only one of them.

There were huge golden pyramid laboratories, with fine scientific instruments working inside. Multi-dimensional time and space switched inside the pyramids, with the longitude and latitude interlaced and overlapped into multiple dimensions, and the frenquency could be shifted to another group of universal system. Boddhisatvas and spirit beings from another universe could shuttle back and forth through multi-dimensional time and space of the pyramids, and interact with other worlds.

Divine souls in the world they belong to would begin a series of preparation after being informed of the Earth Plan through the spirit transmission. Certain souls who are currently on earth or have been there in the past, sometimes would be elevated to worlds of higher civilization temporarily according to the need, to help them to comprehend the situation on earth. The souls whose condition allows them to participate in the Earth Plan would be informed, and each individual soul would choose whether to join according to its will. All the participants would be assembled to hold the council meeting of the Earth Plan.

Divine souls often choose the role of ordinary citizens, because the holy souls can see through the worldly happiness on earth as the cause of degradation, therefore they choose painful events (karma) to know about the civilization and way of life on earth through experience, and the participants would be urged to return to spirituality.

In the higher cililization, there was no detailed account of the whole Earth Plan, and everything was contained in just one thought. (The buddhist sutra says: One is everything.)

The quality of T's individual soul was the type of flexible assistance. T wandered among the stars in the universe, and reported information back to the original world after undergoing all kinds of experiences. The vibrations created by the native world penetrate into the low-frequency universe by transformation to hold them. After consulting with the council of elders, T began the journey of the next stage. In the process of taking birth, T had to keep the original power of his individual soul in the original world and lower his frequencies, in order to go down.

T assisted with God's work on Venus. His role was member of the interstellar fleet wearing blue uniforms and guardian of Venus. The nature of the work was like “universal police”.

Form of existence: micro photon being created by the sound current.

Characteristics: light being who is able to drift around, with flowing frequencies. Vibration of light consciousness appears unseen by the naked eye when shifted to higher frequencies. 

太陽  --  天狼星 

The Sun  --  Sirius


In order to assist the council to obtain knowlegde of the Earth Plan, T was allowed to negotiate about the “reading” of Earth Human Construction data with the team in charge of planet archive on Sirius. He brought back the information flow of the Human Construction Plan (current civilization on earth) which was about to be launched on Sirius in the future to the council of elders on Venus, as one of the necessary references and conditions of the preparation for his spiritual journey, and assisted with organizing the related work. 


Alliance members of the Interstellar Federation




In his later journey, T temporarily turned to the Interstellar Federation for dispatching support. He volunteered to help with collecting information, and after the reports were completed, he asked the Interstellar Federation for permission to send more backup to guard the earth (requesting not to be interrupted by other factors during the earth's transition period).

There are many brother planets who joined the galactic Interstellar Federation, and there are many councils of different levels at work under the federation. T's unit was located on a vessel, in charge of collecting necessary information and sending them back to higher units. The nature of work on the vessel was like the universal police, maintaining interplanetary order. T was authorized by his unit to collect related information of the earth, because of his involvement in the Earth Plan: reporting back nature resource, geomagnetic survey, historical data of spiritual civilization……

Strong souls are needed for taking birth on earth, so after T finished his service in the Interstellar Federation, in order to expand the vital members of Earth Plan, he visited the Marsian elders to find out about the possibility of souls on Mars taking birth on earth, to leave spiritual education to earth through their lineage. In the side history of earth, periodic peaks of high spiritual civilation and interstellar interactions have ceased to exist with the destruction of the civilization. Later, T set off for the civilization of Lemuria, to know about the related spiritual process. 

蘇美王朝  --  楔形文字的起源 

Sumer Dynasty --  the origin of cuneiform writing





T lived in the area of the two rivers, and was working on compilation of the astronomical research: records of orbit tracks in astronomy.

He had a deep yearning towards the universe, and contemplated on the definition of God throughout his life. The Sumerians recorded music with writings.

The choice to take birth in the Sumer Dynasty was to continue the direct lineage of the spiritual plan. After the Sumer Dynasty, T went back to the council to examine the records of this life, and lived in the realm of angels temporarily, sending extra volunteers for the Earth Plan at the same time.

T is a strong soul, capable of completing the assignment alone.   








During the period at the council, T was sent out to Pegasus to request backup for the Earth Plan. The goal established by the original universal council to coordinate with God's Earth Plan was: The earth cannot be destroyed, it has to be saved successfully. T's spirituality was always connected with God, and this journey was T's mission dedicated to God volunteerily with a very sincere heart. He saw this chance of devotion as a supreme honor.

Client Re from “Expedition of the Spirit Ⅰ”:   T is absolutely a messenger of the Spiritual Delivery Express!

Well said!

The earth at this time had shown the sign of destruction, and the council negotiated with the related organizations privately with a low profile, to dispatch souls in the scientific field on Pegasus to reincarnate or transmit information to earth.

After the mission came to a conclusion, the council “strongly adviced” T that the time to take birth could not be delayed any further, and to go back to earth as soon as possible to carry out the Earth Plan. 




In order to inherit the cultural ideas of love and beauty, the purpose of taking birth in Greece was: To express the truth of peace, love and beauty intergrated and advancing together. Born in the tide of Socrate's thoughts in the prime, T's spirituality was nurtured deeply by the doctrines of Socrate and obtained important enlightment. T had the experience of gathering herbal medicines at the same time.




Qin and Han period of China


Being a follower of the Confucian doctrine, and because he was born in the initial period of Qin Dynasty, he longed for unification of the state and the church to replace the rule of tyranny. After going through dynastic changes when Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty eliminated Qin, the doctrines of Confucious revived, and T's ideals in the Western Han period were brought to reality. 


Ching Dynasty


T was one of Dorgon's medical officers during the period of Emperor ShunZi's rule. He went back to the council again after the end of this life. 


原生世界   --   琉璃境

Original world   --  Lapis Realm



T's original world is from the majestic and bright Lapis Realm, located between Serpens (the tail) and Pegasus where the center of the milkyway is located. The Eastern Lapis World recorded in buddist sutras are said to be located on Jupiter, which is inconsistent with my info. But apart from this, all could be cross-referenced with historical data.

There were myths about Serpens that were related to “medicenes” described in the Eastern Lazuli World. I present it here as reference and an interesting coincidence.   


There are numerous councils of different sizes and functions existing in the universe, with different kinds of spiritual work in progress. The councils help to maintain the order of peace and regularity of work, and they were all created for the necessity to advance with all spiritual progress.





* NASA團 



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