Translator:Long Kuan
「我想知道上輩子欠他的,還完了沒有?」、「上輩子我跟他是什麼關係,為什麼我 …………?」許多個案抱持相同的心態,筆者幾乎可以確定當事者的觀念來自修行背景的承襲。
“I want to know if I have paid off what I owed to him in the previous life?”, “What was the relationship between me and him in the last life, why do I ……” Many clients had the same attitude, and I could almost be sure that their opinion came from the heritage of their spiritual background.
「不是每件事都是以因果的償還定律作解釋。」這個世界不是只有因果回報這件事,與共業關係群之間的互動,不是只有因果的存在面,更正確的說,因果是建立在慣性定律之下,不斷重覆上演的戲碼。相關案例:(一)共業關係群的一方擅於主導情勢,另一方則落於容易被掌控的角色,而累世之中皆定型於彼此之間的互動模式;出乎意料之外的是,慣性模式的案例,首見於家暴事件。(二)今生受到傷害,基於前世傷害對方,前世傷害對方是因為在更前世之前被對方傷害 …… (佛經云:人吃羊、羊吃人、人再吃羊 ………)
“Not everything could be explained by the payback law of karma.” Karma payback is not the only thing that exists in this world, and there is not only the aspect of karma existence in the interactions with the collective karma relation group. To be more correct, karma is the drama that repeats itself under the habitual law. Related cases: (1) one person in the collective karma relation group is good at leading the situation, and the other person falls into the role of being manipulated easily. This pattern of interaction between each other has been established through many lifetimes. (2) Being hurt in this life is because of hurting the other person in the previous life, which was due to being hurt by that person in earlier lifetimes…… (As said in the Buddhist Sutra: the man eats the sheep, and the sheep eats the man, and the man eats the sheep again…… )
I have found in the process of tracing back the clients group that cases of the habitual pattern existed generally, and it was easy for the client to fall into the general concept of karma payback law. The client group in similar cases have exactly the same reaction, which shows the existence of a certain operative pattern. When the interactive habitual pattern is formed, the collective karma relation group would face the same interactions life after life, and even the same framework of thoughts. The habitual pattern over many lifetimes cannot be removed, because the chosen spiritual lessons had not been learned and completed before taking birth, and that’s why the same situation happens repeatedly over many lifetimes.
個案往往無奈處於因果慣性模式當中無法掙脫,部份的原因在於恐懼改變現狀,恐懼於「如果、可是、萬一 ……… 怎麼辦?」的預設立場。若臣服於因果的介面,便毫無轉變的機會,突破因果慣性模式必須逆向操作,必須願意跨出第一步,慣性需要自身願意爭取轉變。修行之路,重點往往就在於逆向思考與操作,就連精神導師也必須依靠自身突破人類模式,而非依賴捷徑。
The clients often could not help being in the habitual pattern of karma and unable to break loose, and part of the reason is the fear of changing the present, and the preset standpoint of “if, but, just in case… what to do?” If you submit yourself to karma, there would be absolutely no chance to change. To break through the habitual pattern of karma, you need to operate reversely and be willing to make the first step. Change of habits is achieved by your own willingness. The important issue on the spiritual path is often reverse thinking and acting, and even enlighened Masters need to rely on themselves to break through the human patterns, without relying on shortcuts.
The social formality of men’s superiority over women was shaped in the background of past ages, and when someone takes birth as a female, she is faced with suppression and forces herself to submit to the social system. Experiences and ideas over many lifetimes are formed through long-term social values and interactions between the collective karma relation group, and they become habitual. The influence of childhood upbringing background is especially deep, and unique personality patterns could be formed slowly and imperceptibly.
Habitual patterns not only exsit in the interactions between the client and the collective karma relation group, but also happen in their own habits. Some clients are troubled by some habits when improvement could not be made by their own efforts, and hope to find the solution. Habits were results of the habitual patterns, and the only way to break through is reverse actions and perseverance.
The personality of weakness and submission to fate had caused me to go through torment and suffer the indescribable “consequences of my own doing”. When the God reacted to my situation with total disregard, I felt the embarrassment of having nowhere to turn to, and had no choice but to hang on by the eye brows and grope for the philosophy of reverse action. Only when I passed the tests, did the God release the answer: “Spiritual practice is not about passive acceptance, but creating positive changes; the right way is to use your wisdom in the face of difficulties and act according to the situation.”
The only way to hold back the habitual law of karma is to keep a positive principle and act reversely, and there is no shortcut. Give yourself a chance to change and take the initiative, and you have to be willing to break through before you can transcend the habitual pattern of karma. If you do not have the will power and courage to face it and make improvement, and rather resort to other ways, to be honest, even God would not be able to help, because the same situation will appear again.
The God: The operation of habits is to let you think “I am like this”, and the thoughts emphasized by the habitual pattern often have a high rate of causing recurrence of illness; or it can be said that the habitual pattern relies heavily on stubborness.
Not everything could be explained by the payback law of karma in this world.
* 一隻愛環保的狗狗