Translator:Long Kuan
Me: God, do you agree to another interview with the Sun God?
內在視覺的前方放射出變化著的多度彩光 ………
Multi-dimensional, ever changing and colorful light radiated in front of the inner vision… …
“Who are you? Is this the form you let me see, or what I could understand with my own frequency? Or do you have another existence in a higher frequency?” I felt the vibration frequency of the Sun.
“The Sun’s Child is my identity, that is the closest description. I come from the center of the sun.”
The Heart of the Sun is connected with all beings in the universe by unimaginable fine vibrations, just like the connection of umbilical cord between the infant and the mother; the Heart of the Sun transmits vibrations of high frequency to all beings, just like the mother provides nutrition to the fetus through the umbilical cord.
「妳可以更深入的探索我,來!感受我。」Oh ∼ 太陽之心的真愛本質散發著獨特的吸引魅力,鑽石般透徹的太陽之心,不可思議地沒有任何語言文字能夠形容,只有扣人心弦的強大感動襲上心頭。
“You can explore me more deeply. Come here! Feel me. ”Oh∼ The true loving nature of the Sun’s Heart radiates unique charm of attraction. Amazingly, there’s no language or words at all to describe the Heart of the Sun which is clear like a diamond, and only the powerful and indescribable feeling of being deeply touched swarming in my heart.
I felt sound frequencies of different scales transmitting different vibrations, and transforming into different light frequencies. There are numerous individual light particles in the planet body of the sun, and each of them has a conscious vibration frequency, just like the cell consciousness in the human body.
N: He is the collective consciousness?
Me: Whole consciousness. The whole ecology of nature on earth is connected with the sun.
N: In what kind of a way?
筆者:振動力。太陽的振動力滋養萬物,以地球而言,包括動、植、礦,及肉眼無法視覺的微生物 ……… 等等。
Me: Through vibration. The vibration of the sun can nurture all beings, from the earth’s view, that includes animals, plants, minerals and micro-organisms invisible to the naked eye…… etc.
N: why is there a sun inside of the planet?
Me: The sun has a message for us.
Images transmitted from the sun:
Human beings, animals, plants, minerals, micro-organisms invisible to the naked eye, all individual life forms are connected to the Sun’s Child by wave frequencies like a network. Therefore the sun knows each person, each flower, each tree and each grass on earth. Human beings and individual beings of the whole natural ecology are also connected to each other and form the eco-chain, which is connected to the Sun’s Child. That's why all beings are One.
When human beings harm each other or other species, they create the vibration frequency of “harm” by themselves, which accumulates in their bodies and start to function: creating illness, always attracting negative power, always subjected to obstacles, strikes and wrong judgements. The structure and frequency of the human body start to go wrong, and the spiritual bodies of human beings are damaged in this chain effect due to the self-created frequency of harm. Therefore, to hurt others is hurting yourself.
All individual beings come from the whole consciousness of the sun. The meaning of whole consciousness is, humans are not only the consciousness of human, but also including consciousness of animals, plants, minerals, micro-organisms, universal planet bodies and beings of each dimension. Equal frequencies can be entered through transformation of the frequency, to reach resonence and read the consciousness of the frequency. Consciousness of all beings are connected with the source of life.
Right now the earth’s frequency has been transformed and elevated, and there would be more and more people making connection to the frequency of love, and awaken their ability to communicate with all beings gradually; the frequencies of many psychics and mediums have been activated.
N: Activated natually?
Me: When the state of body, mind and spirit is ready to coordinate and welcome reconstruction, the opportunity would appear. According to different qualities of each human individual, there would be development in different fields. For example, animal communicators would make the connection with certain species first, and gradually expand to other groups and aspects.
N: That’s great! This is good news. But there are still many human beings who have not awakened yet, how should they follow the correct way of life?
Image transmitted from the sun:
Inspire the love in humans, and they will connect to the frequency of love naturally, and begin interactions with all beings in nature.
N: How to inspire their love?
Image transmitted from the sun:
Give more love to humans, they have blocked the frequency of love themselves, and their hearts tend to be empty, holding negative judgements towards the world, with their personality patterns and values distorted gradually. All living beings have to rely on the source of life to survive.
The sunlight came from high vibrations of the sun, so sunlight therapy can not only get rid of karma, but also raise the vibration frequency of human beings. It’s not food that sustains the basic life elements of the human body, it’s the sun’s frequency which nurtures all beings.
If the physical sun visible to the naked eye is close to the end of its life, the sun would transform into another life form and continue to evolve, just like water can be tranformed into air and solid life form. This is the most appropriate way of expressing it, but actually it’s not just this, but there is no corresponding concept to describe it, and it can only be understood inside and through part of the words.
N: which part of us is the sun nurturing? On what level does it operate? Because food can sustain the function of the body.
Me: Nourishment for the spiritual body and the soul can improve the health of the body. The relationship between the sun and the human body is like the circuit loop, and the sun transmits energy in a spiral way.
N: What about the relationship between the sun and Pleiad?
Me: Our questions are too shallow. He is very holy, and not so hot as humans see it. The Heart of the Sun is gentle and pleasant, with cool and refreshing light like the cool air sent out of a very clean air-conditioner. This is a very rough description, but already a close comparation. This power of love is so divine, and so extraordinary, but words like these still cannot describe it.
N: Can you talk a little more about the law of evolution in the universe?
Image transmitted from the sun:
宇宙的形成,來自更高世界的創造力,藉由振頻,滲透在所有的生命系統裏。每個生命個體,皆擁有生命起源的力量;所有的宇宙法則,皆建立在更高的律法之下,更高的律法是 -- 唯一,也可以說獨一無二。
The universe was formed by the creative power from higher worlds, and it is infiltrated in all life systems through the vibration frequency. Each individual being has power from the source of life; and all laws of the universe are established under the higher law, which is – Only One, or the One and the Only.
N: This is hard to grasp.
Me: The meaning of Only One is: to follow one law. There is only one law.
N: What is this law?
Me: Complete love, unconditional love, because love is the highest frequency, and only love can transcend love, only love can bring evolution and elevation to the soul.
I have found that even the language interpretation of planet bodies are different to human beings, and not only animals.
I can almost only understand the messages from the sun with my heart, and it’s a pity that language and the framework of words cannot be used to present the original state of the images.