Expedition of the Spirit -- hotbed for producing fixed stars

TranslatorLong Kuan


The following information is collated by the author and written by the parties.

撰文 / Re

written by Re


the Black Hole



After leaving the sun, Re travelled for 1,200 earth years and came to the Black Hole, hotbed for giving births to fixed stars.

The circle of fixed stars moves around the black hole, and when they move, different music is produced by different vibration frequencies.


Gravitation of the black hole gathers physical elements necessary for forming the fixed stars, which have to be formed at high temprature. The dusts perform the function of preserving heat, and they serve as hotbeds for the growing fixed stars. Whirling current of the black hole can turn substance in vacuum space into nutrients needed by the fixed stars, just like thunder bolts burn nutrients in the air into liquid form, and supply them to plants through the falling rain.

Re在這裡的存在形態為意識光能體 (物質頻率不可見光)


The life form of Re here is conscious being of Light (light whose material frequency is invisible).  

His main job is to make sure that the planet body is well taken care of, and to stabilize the magnetic field of fixed stars, operating in order and harmony, like gardeners taking good care of his plants.

另一個工作為黑洞口的守護神,作把關的動作 — 非請勿入!這時候Re就會顯現成穿著戰甲、頭戴鋼盔的守護神。

Another job of his is being guardian saint of the black hole, blocking the entrance No uninvited visitor allowed! At these times Re would appear as the guardian saint wearing armour and helmet.


The author asked the God if anything needed to be modified or refined regarding the black hole, and the following material was instructed to be added. This is truly the grace from God!


The black hole is actually bright, radiating colorful spiral light, with stripes of different colors including yellow, orange, red, blue and white etc. There are sparks of bright stars on them, full of loving energy. The light particle of the black hole has energy of a high frequency, and it can only be identified by someone who has reached a certain spiritual level.


The function of the black hole: it's just like when we see a tornado, the center is hollow. But the eye of the tornado would produce a kind of power, so we can see its existence and know its range. The black hole also works in this way, being the machine for producing fixed stars. Every black hole has different qualities, therefore their circle of fixed stars would also have different qualities when they expand into galaxies, like being tilted, straight, level, left-wound spiral or right-wound spiral, and having different density in different areas.

黑洞有不一樣的形式存在,它不是一個管子,那是我們所能看到的層面而已,它可以通到盡頭 — 宇宙的邊際,像是銀河系就有數不清的通道,它們通往不同的次元世界(宇宙是一個多維度的次元世界),它相當於高速公路,當然比我們的世界高明多了,而所謂的白洞、紅洞、黃洞,只是不同的型態而已。

Instead of being a tube which is only the aspect we see ,the black hole exists in a much different way. It connects to the End the edge of the universe. There are countless passages in the galaxy, connecting to worlds of different dimensions (the universe being a multi-dimensional world). It is equivalent to a highway, but at a much higher level than those in our world. The so-called white hole, red hole and yellow hole are all different forms of passages.


The black hole is very compassionate and loving, it has these same qualities when giving births to stars, just like a mother has her loving power and joy for creating life. 

黑洞口有許多的守護神 穿著戰甲、頭戴鋼盔在看守,管理黑洞是非常有能量、大力量的,祂們是非常聖潔的,來自於非常高的次元。

There are many guardian saints at the entrance, wearing armour and helmets. They are very powerful, full of energy and very holy and pure, and they come from very high dimensions.


Speaking in the spiritual aspect of the passage, every world of different dimension is a castle in itself, and you can only go to the higher worlds if you get through them, or with the guidence of a holy soul from the high heaven.


Just like on planet earth, you have to go through customs and security clearance first before entering another country, and you still cannot stay there indefinitely after entering, and have all kinds of restrictions. So every dimension has the same kind of clearance systems, in order to protect the safety of that world.  You can go up once you reach the required spiritual level that qualifies for entering the world.

Re選擇這次的工作特質,為的是未來降生地球時,將觸及並運用到組織能力方面的領域。停留在恆星圈的生存時間約1,400地球年左右。基於已完成計劃中所要學習的指定項目,必須離開,前往天堂計畫中的下一個旅程 — 天鵝星座。


The nature of the job that Re undertook this time is for when he would be born on earth in the future, it would be useful in the area of organizing abilities. He stayed in the fixed stars circle for about 1400 earth years, and since he had already completed the designated learning projects in the Divine Plan, he had to leave for the next journey Cygnus.

 (to be continued)




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