Expedition of the Spirit Ⅰ -- Rendezvous outside the galaxy
Translator:Long Kuan
The following information is collated by the author and written by the parties.
撰文 / Re
written by Re
Re: I want to know which planet have I been to before I came to earth? Where do I come from?
An amazing spiritual journey was revealed just because of this one question!!
(When Re was in university, he dreamed of himself floating alone in the vast, dark and silent universe. Instead of being scared, he felt a protection power around him. And when he thought of the purpose of this journey, which was for compassion, beauty and the Truth, he could not help feeling deeply touched and shed tears. )
Before coming down to earth, Re used to live on the blue planet called αCrucis. That was where he stayed after he followed the God all the way down from the realm of higher density, and had to put on the brakes due to the high speed. (It's hard to bear for someone who has changed from one realm to another, when the vibration frequency is vastly different. That's why Re could not adapt very well later for a while).
His life form then was light-form being of the seventh density. There were not many living beings there, because it was a working planet. Green spiral energy flow surrounded the pyramids which were slender and pointed. Re engaged in spiritual scientific projects inside the pyramids, and the working environment of the planet was like “laboratories” . Among the working staff, there were long term scientists and temporary assisting members.
When the author was still getting familiar with the whole picture, there was a beautiful light-form energy being who appeared in the form of a western woman, in order for the author to see. She stood at the direction of 11 o'clock, full of light, and “blocked” the author very gently (No visitors / No uninvited guests allowed). She asked the author purpose politely, and even though the author could not get in (a little embarrassment for a spiritual counseller to do such a thing!), we still continued to communicate with her consciousness and explored further.
This light-form being is a good friend of Re, and because light-form beings can communicate with each other through consciousness, she knows about the whole process of Re being on earth. Re asked about the possibility of returning to αCrucis after ending the journey on planet earth, and the light-form being said it's not possible. Re would continue his individual spiritual journey and move on to a higher dimension.
Re在南十字α星生存了大約1500年,地球時間約6300 ∼ 6500年左右。數個月之後,當版主第二次造訪該星時,這位美麗的光體表示即將降生地球,投入重建地球的行列,可能身為男性。
Re lived on αCrucis for about 1500 years, equivalent to 6300-6500 years earth time. A few months later, when the author visited the planet for the second time, the beautiful light-form being told to the author she would be born on earth shortly, to join the team of reconstructing the planet, and possibly would be male.
The Sun
Re在南十字α星的時候,由於與他原來的世界頻率相距甚遠,曾經一度適應不良,非常辛苦!所以在結束南十字α星的生活後,經由創始的照護,Re回到太陽 (雙子、御夫星座範圍的恆星),作短暫的休息。(版主覺得,聖靈們的降生之旅備受煎熬,無法言喻,只能希望共路的同伴們能珍惜現在,千辛萬苦好不容易都已經走到最後了,大家一起努力熬下去,加油!)
When Re was on αCrucis, he could not adapt for a while and suffered a lot, due to the big difference of vibration frequency from his original world. Therefore after his life on αCrucis came to an end, through the caring arrangement of the God, Re returned to the Sun to take a short break (the fixed star in the range of Gemini and Wagoner). This sun is very old aged, and it is a place for souls to rest temporarily. Its function is like a hotel, for the high level souls to rest inside. (The author feel that the noble souls have all been through the undescribable and painful journey of coming down, and the author only hope our fellow companions who share the same road would treasure this moment. We have been through all the ordeals and come to the last chapter finally, and we shall strive together and hold on to the end!)
When Re was on this sun, his life form was consciousness being of the planet sun. His source of spiritual nourishment was light from a higher level. His work involved operating the consciousness form of solar wind, and stabilizing wind of the fixed star. The nature of the work was related to mutual interaction inside the magnetic environment, and magnetic track waves of satellites (The author have not found any definition of the words above): controlling the numerical energetic field of the planet. When examining the magnetic track waves of the satellites, rings of radiofrequency were shot at my direction, and at the end of the radiofrequency it was radiating light.
Re這次在太陽停留的時間約4,500地球年左右,又花了1,200地球年前往下一階段的世界:黑洞,也就是孕育恆星的溫床 — 恆星圈。
Re stayed at the sun for about 4,500 earth years, and spent another 1,200 earth years travelling to the world in the next phase: the black hole, hotbed for producing fixed stars — the fixed stars circle.
Note: In the higher dimensions there is no so-called time, but they can choose the point of time to be born into the chosen world: past, present or future. So, even though Re has been wandering across the universe for tens of thousands of years, he could still go back to the past ages as planned and be born there.
(to be continued)