Expedition of the Spirit Ⅰ -- worker of star cluster consciousness
Translator:Long Kuan
The following information is collated by the author and written by the parties.
撰文 / Re
written by Re
When Re came down from the higher dimension, he changed into a spirit body which is closer to the level of the physical world, with the help of other designated members in the universe.
In this way Re can adapt to the more physical world in the long term, like when a human being goes into the sea, he needs to put on a diving suit, otherwise the pressure of the water would make him very uncomfortable, and he could not stay long underwater. In the same way, the human DNA and chakra systems have to be equipped first before coming down to eath.
版主在接收天鵝星座信息的時候,創始給了兩個光年: 1,800 光年以及 3,500 光年,查詢資料得知天鵝星座整個範圍3,500 光年,而天津四這顆星距離地球1,800光年。
When the author received the information regarding Cygnus, two different numbers of light-years were given by the God: 1,800 light-years and 3,500 light-years. After searching , the author found out that the range of Cygnus is 3,500 light-years, and star Deneb is located 1,800 light-years from the earth.
Re existed in two forms on Cygnus: the first was worker for the collective consciousness of the star cluster, at the tenth dimension, in charge of dispatching, commanding and directing the vibration wave of energy value, and connecting satellite defence systems in groups with the nearby galaxies.
The collective consciousness of the star cluster has also individual consciousness in them, just like each tree has its own individual consciousness, but also has collective consciousness as a whole.
The collective consciousness of the star cluster produces some kind of music as it moves, just like the tree whistles and the grass also makes a sound when the wind blows. As the star cluster moves, they have their own special sound, which is the voice of a life force and the essence presented in the form of music.
Another form of Re's existence appeared in a way that I could understand, as a noble and majestic Golden Warrior: gentle and humble, his eyes vast like the ocean, with a golden scepter in his hands and armour all over his body. His whole body image was formed by golden light, guarding the truth of reality, while the scepter symbolized breaking away from confusion and the revealing of wisdom.
(The Golden Warrior cannot be explained in number of dimensions. It belongs to existence of another form, like the relationship between vapor, water and ice, appearing in different forms but with the same essence.)
P.S. :
What the God means is that just like water has different forms as liquid,solid or gaseous, and human beings have bodies in different aspects: physical, ether, mind and spirit body. The relationship between dimension, density and space can also be explained in the same way.
Re此次所選擇的角色,在於培養領導能力,停留約600地球年左右,繼續下一個旅程 — 飛馬星座。
The role Re chose this time is to train his abilities to be a leader. He stayed for about 600 earth years, and continued onto the next journey in heaven's “Earth Plan” — Pegasus.
(to be continued)