Expedition of the Spirit -- Moment of Commitment

TranslatorLong Kuan

精神遠征 Ⅰ -- 承諾的時刻 -1


The following information is collated by the author and written by the parties.

撰文 / Re

written by Re

亞特蘭提斯毀滅之後,人類的文明重新開始,經過大約一萬年的緩慢發展,這時候人類的靈性開發,還是非常的落後,所以要投胎下來地球當人,對Re來說,比上次在亞特蘭提斯投胎,更具挑戰性,更加的危險,不過這已是地球計畫的最後階段了,所以調整好心理準備後,Re便進行了最後的旅程,從昴宿星團下來地球,做最後的八次轉生 — 西班牙、英國、巴拿馬、土耳其、阿拉伯、中國明朝、中國清朝、台灣。

After the destruction of Atlantis, human civilization restarted, and made slow progress for about 10,000 years. The human beings then were still not very much developed spiritually, and it was more challenging and dangerous for Re to take birth on earth, compared to the last time in Atlantis. But this is already the last stage of the Earth Plan. So after some adjustment and mental preparation, Re embarked on the last part of the journey, and came down to earth from Pleiad for the last eight reincarnations in Spain, Britain, Panama, Turkey, Arabia, Ching Dynasty and Ming Dynasty of China, and Taiwan.




Re: Which country did I take birth in first?


The author: Spain, before year 520 A.D.. You were a scientist engaging in military science and researching on formulating dosis of medicine powder, and also a aristocrat of great achievement and status.


Re: What about my looks?

版主:穿著黑色的長西裝,拿著一根拐杖,帶一個黑色高帽,穿著高筒靴,有著八字捲捲的鬍子,西裝中間開扣,前襟旁邊有黃色的花紋圖形,領子比較高。 (類似下面這張圖裡面的三位男士)

The author: Wearing a long black suit,  a black top hat and long boots, with a cane in your hand. You had a curly mustache, and there were buttons on the openings of your suit, with high collars and yellow patterns on the front. (Similar to the three men in the picture below)

精神遠征 Ⅰ -- 承諾的時刻 -2


Re: Which lessons was I supposed to learn in Spain? And what was my mission?


The author: Your original human plan was to meet some people from the upper class and high society through arrangement. It was a very meticulous plan. Who you would meet, which role you would play, it was all unimaginable for the mind. Whoever you meet with, they will be affected by the spiritual power. You were being an assistance plan yourself, and the power of the God would work through you. Whoever you meet with, there will be power of the God at work invisibly. That's why this piece is written, so that your spiritual journey would be an example to show others the great significance behind it. In the whole universe, wherever you go, there is power of the God at work. This journey is very long. Anyone who has taken birth on earth for the Earth Rescue Plan under contract with the God, will bring power from the God who will work through us. It will also be infiltrated into all kinds of channels to be carried out!


Re: When we come down, there will be some side-effects, like relationships and bad thoughts etc. How should we handle these? Are they also included in the God's plan?


The author: It was anticipated, and that's why we have to rely on the truth in order to break through in different situations.


Re: How was my life that time? Did I meet with the people in the plan?


The author: The planned partner of yours pulled out. You were predestined to be together for a few lifetimes, but the plan changed and your wife pulled out without meeting you.


Re: Wow! Why was the plan changed?


The author: She was not ready yet. She was still very unfamiliar with earth, and had symptoms of mal-adaptation. She needed to learn her own lessons first.


Re: Did I have any religious faith? Did I practice spiritually?


The author: You were a very pious disciple, believing in your tradional local religion and deities. Because you remembered heaven in your subconsciousness, you would always want to search for spiritual and higher things, once you come across with something like religion.


Re: After I died this time, did I take the next birth straight away, or did I take a break somewhere?


The author: At the time of death, the God appeared and asked you: “Do you want to come up for some rest?” You saw the God in the image of the sun, and you knew who that was and felt familiar to that feeling. There were a few buddhisatvas guarding you, and you were inside an ocean of light. 




Re: Where did I take birth next after Spain?


The author: In Britain, 300 years later. You were a commander at headquarters, wearing military uniforms, and in charge of transporting supplies on a navy ferry. It was the beginning of war, and you had an empty heart with no religious faith or romantic relationships.


Re: Which lessons did I have to learn this time in Britain? What was my mission?


The author: This time it's to get familiar with the patterns and ways of human politics and officialdom. After death, the God dusted you a bit, like peeling some karma off you. It is similar to a mother letting her child go out and play in the mud, and pat him when he comes back, to shake off the dust and dirt, and make him cleaner and more relaxed.


Re: Usually we have to borrow karma when we come down to take birth, because we were not from earth originally. Where do we borrow the karma from?


The author: There are always plenty of karma, always enough. Karma comes from the dimension of cause and effect. Although you are just borrowing, it becomes yours once it is borrowed. Therefore you have to pay for it, even though it is not yours.




After Britain, Re took birth in Panama, executing a  spiritual plan assigned by the God. In the level of the mind he did not know anything about the plan. Panama was like a lead, extending out to more affinities.


Re: How many people were involved in the plan?


The author: The God puts necessary people on the necessary positions.

Re這輩子是一個商人,生活在海港附近,除了賣一些吃的水果、穀類啦 ,也有收集一些礦石、水晶,跟軍方有一些金屬礦石之類的買賣交易,整個輩子過的還算愜意、很平靜。

Re was a businessman in this lifetime, living near the harbor. Apart from selling some fruits and grains, he also collected ores and crystals, and had business dealings of metals and ores with the military. His whole life was delightful and peaceful.  




Re was a local official in Turkey this time, and he was a nice person, respected by the people. Even though he had a traditional religious faith, there was something missing deep in his heart, which has made him feel lost and regretable. He was reflecting on the questions of human life, and wanted to know answers to the scriptures: Where do we come from? Why am I here?


Re: What was my mission and assignment in Turkey?


The author: Coming in contact with religion and truth, and meeting with the persons in the plan, without knowing in your mind. You went on a prigrimage to India, and practiced spiritually there for a while. It was to remind you of the beauty of spirituality. But because there were other worldly affairs, you left after a short period. You also came in contact with the persons in the plan in India.


Re: I went to India twice in 2008, and I had fevers and bad headches everytime. In my dazed state I felt like there were permutation and combination in my head, and it came to some solution. Did it have anything to do with going to India in the lifetime of Turkey?


The author: Because it was connected with the previous experiences, the consciousness of your cells were activated.




Re was a businessman in this lifetime, dealing in ores, and had faith in general local religion.


Re: What was my mission and assignment for this lifetime?

版主:跟計畫當中的人接觸 ,並且過比較真理的生活。

The author: Get in touch with the designated persons, and live a life of truth.


Re: Why didn't I come across with religion and truth until Turkey and Arabia?


The author: So it was the order of the plan. 


Ming Dynasty, China

Re在中國明朝這一世的身分,是住在北京西北方 — 察哈爾的七品地方官,這一輩子因為窩藏朝廷欽犯 — 也就是他的妻子,所以一輩子戰戰兢兢,怕被發現而性命不保。

In the lifetime of Ming Dynasty, Re was a local official of seventh grade in Qahar, north-west of Beijing. He lived his life in fear of being discovered and killed, for hiding a criminal wanted by the court his own wife.


Re: Did I meet anyone from the Earth Plan?

版主:有三個人,一位是三品官,常常照顧你;另一位是皇上,他非常欣賞你的才能,想提拔你當一品官,但是你怕被發現窩藏欽犯,所以不敢接受皇上的好意;第三位是你所窩藏的欽犯。你的妻子是一個身份高貴的人 — 公主(皇帝的義女),因為官場的勾心鬥角,公主被私下救出,安排讓你照顧,因為當時的你,是個值得託付的人。

The author: There were 3 of them. One was an official of the third grade who took care of you a lot; another was the Emperor, who admired your talent and wanted to promote you to a first grade official. But you were scared of being found out about hiding the criminal, and did not dare to accept his offer. The third one was the criminal. Your wife was a woman with very noble status - - the princess (foster daughter of the Emperor). She was secretly rescued, away from the intrigues of the court officials, and was arranged to be under your care, for you were a trust-worthy person at that time.


Re: Alas! If I knew the Emperor was on the same side, I did not have to go through all the trouble of hiding!


The author: That's right.


Re: What was my mission?

版主:跟計畫當中的人接觸 ,並學習官場的運作。

The author: Get in touch with the persons in the plan, and learn about the ways of officialdom.


Re: Why did I have to learn about officialdom?


The author: In every reincarnation we have necessary life lessons to learn. It was to train your leadership and organizing abilities for future use.


Ching Dynasty, China


Re took birth again in the years of Emperor Xian Feng, Ching Dynasty. This time he was a official clerk, and was framed and killed at a young age in order to save someone.


Re: Why did I die so soon this time?


The author: To settle the karma, and also to meet the persons in the plan. And of course to practice what you have learned in your position of the official circle.


(to be continued)



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