Expedition of the Spirit-- the Ultimate Warrior

TranslatorLong Kuan


Client C has proposed to share her own experiences with the public, to awaken in people their determination to complete the mission. A big thank you to C for her selfless sharing and noble heart. I have considered the psycological and emotional impact on the client herself and the readers, and decided it's not necessary to trace back deeper into her spiritual journey, and also to leave space for flexibility in the reader's mind. 


Inheriting the ethnical characteristics of Venus




Considering the obstacles she would go through when she takes birth under earth's system in the future, C chose to reincarnate on Venus, and her inherited ethnical personality (positive, energetic, active mind, determination, firm ideal, unwilling to accept failure) would unleash its reversal power and prepare for opening new possibilities in the Earth Rescue Plan.

C worked in the field of ecological balance research and biological development engineering, and was also devoted to developing the “multi-directional system”. His life form was physical body by birth. This Venus does not exist anymore today, and it was a starting point corresponding to development in his crucial period now.

The spiritual purpose for taking birth on Venus: Taste of failure. 


The Mercury Mission









After the journey of Venus, C went to Mercury in transit, and worked there in the field of mental science. She always had a melancholy heart, and searched for the indescribable sense of belonging. She had a vague feeling, that it seemed like there were some uncompleted and regretable matters inside herself.

The system and structure of their society and their technologies were more advanced than today's earth, but the spiritual qualities of human beings came to a standstill.

Me: Why did she choose to take birth just before the destruction, in both reincarnations?

the God: C was doing the same work, which was the difficult task chosen by the soul; the soul did not complete the mission, so it comes back to a physical planet to take birth, until the mission is completed.

The God has revealed before that if a mission is not completed after taking birth, even if the soul comes back to heaven, it would choose to go down again because of its failure to complete the mission, and search for planets with a similar situation to take birth in, which are planets on the verge of a destructive crisis. C had been a great help in providing proof to the God's words with her own experiences.

C took birth on Mercury under the choice made by her soul, in a period prior to dramatic change on the planet, and experienced failure of the mission.

Mission for reincarnation on Mercury: To do her utmost to turn the tide.

Again, I felt her strong ethnic character and spiritual nature, and was touched by it! After the journey to Mercury, C went back to heaven for a short break, and planned again to get ready for the return to Mercury, to make up for her regrets earlier. 


Return to Mercury



This time C worked in education and put her knowledge of energy in medical science to good use. But the planet was on the verge of destruction, and C felt desperate, helpless and troubled in her life, with abstract and undescernible visions and emptiness in her heart.

This time it was only a short stay to make adjustments to the previous plan, and her life lasted for about 70 earth years; both journeys to Venus and Mercury were much more intense than the situation now on earth. 

看見曙光  --  金星 

Seeing the twilight -- Venus








After leaving Mercury, C was born onto a planet with beautiful oceans and lush green grass: Venus.

Me: Why back to Venus?

the God: She met me here. The vision you saw was the rebirth of the planet after it was saved, and C accomplished her mission.

This time there were also the fellow companions she was about to meet on earth in the future.

Me: Since when did C begin to work together with you?

the God: Since the beginning of the pledge made in heaven, C chose to walk on a difficult path to lend me a helping hand. Therefore it was decided in the beginning of the spiritual plan, that failure was also one of the learning subjects. Reincarnations on Mars, Venus and Mercury were all preparations for saving the planet.

Venusians rallied under the team led by the enlightened Master. The role C played at that time was: a noble soul who exposed the truth that the meat diet would cause a critical crisis for the planet, and worked to promote and spread the concept of adopting a plant-based diet; acted with recklessness and no hesitation to break through obstacles, and with whole-hearted devotion and unswerving determination. For the true love towards all living beings, C has made the biggest sacrifice. 


The Earth






C did not spend a lot of time on earth, and she came with inherited ethnical characteristics from Lyra and nature of the Venusians. Her faith and confidence was challenged in the course of the civilization, and the experience of failure nurtured the deep longing for success.

During the first world war, she volunteered to join the military medical service and took care of wounded soldiers. Her heart was puzzled between war and peace, with her sentiments fighting over her toughness. She could only let herself work non-stop and ignore everything deliberately.

After the end of this reincarnation, C came back to the spiritual world to be nurtured by light and tranquility. She went back to earth again and took birth in the Qin Dynasty of China, and went through a long period of war to take part in building the Great Wall. Her life lasted 35 years.

The soul chose to take birth in the future (France) first, and then go back to the past (China), which is subversive to the human concept of reincarnation. C's iron will and endurance was trained in the extreme environment on earth, but the difficult situation she was in could not be called intense training yet.

C took a cross-century birth, but there was only a 45 year time difference between the end of Qin dynasty and the time she was born in the previous life. During this time, C stayed in the realm of angels, and downloaded the akashic records to take birth in Taiwan at the time of Japanese occupation. Her family made a living by farming, and she joined the army with strict moral conduct and respect for discipline. She had no children, and entered monkhood in her old age because of the emptyness in her heart. 




Tracing back to the period before the perished Venus, C was born on Mars for field training. At the time of her birth, Mars has officially entered the stage of destruction…











Before being born on Mars, C reincarnated on a purple planet in Lyra. (No related information was found for reference)

In the course of the heavenly plan, the purpose of choosing the planet to be born into is for continuation of the inherited characteristics needed in future reincarnations. The following was considered in C's heavenly plan: (1) Lyra's participation in the Earth Plan. (2) Patterns of ethnical (personality) characteristics needed in the lineage.

The beautiful citizens of Lyra tended to be strong minded and seeked outstanding performance in all aspects, with a desire for leadership.

C loved the bright and colorful light of energy, and enjoyed the bliss and tranquility brought by sound vibrations. She developed the loving quality possessed by caretakers from the natural sense of responsibility for sentient beings, but kept a serious outlook on life.

Life form: white light being with also purple and blue colored light, able to turn into any form if needed.

Nature of work: participating in guarding interstellar peace and civilizations.

She stayed for about 850 earth years.


原生世界  --  太陽

Original world --  the Sun






From the view on earth, C's original world is the solar stellar group, located between Polaris and Little Dipper.

Function of the sun: similar to a bridge which connects and transforms vibration.

Nature of work: connecting and transporting medium with higher density and power, intergrating and creating realities of high level spirituality and art.

Life form: solar gemstone, no physical body, equivalent to a “soul”.

Characteristics of the solar gemstone: able to submit to tough missions (coerce plans).


Me: I would like to record your thoughts. Is there anything you want us to know?



C: First, many of our fellow companions who had succeeded in the past had the opportunity to work together with an enlightened Master. So we should have more faith in our success, because that is the choice of our noble soul. No matter how difficult the situation is, and how big the obstacles are, it is still very encouraging to know how noble and enduring your soul is. Of course, the challenges in life and the eyes of other people who don't understand can make us suffer a lot. But I am sharing this, in the hope that whoever has the affinity to read it would realize,  God always knows that your soul had chosen the most noble path. Second, about akashic records, this is how I feel: I always thought that I've been reincarnated numerous times (you have explained, that the mind cannot tell the difference between downloaded data and real physical reincarnation at all), and it turns out that it's all downloaded! But this means it should be even easier to overcome karma and our habits than we imagined, because it is only downloaded.

Be brave, because for the soul, it was not even the real physical reincarnation. So do not be bound by your habits, your borrowed things, because the soul is far higher than these karma. The real noble essence shines like diamonds and jewels and goes beyond all these. Therefore, when we are working for the earth, we should often encourage ourselves to transcend all these borrowed and downloaded stuff, because these are nothing. These days (after devoting myself to the work at present) I have felt more and more this way,  that no habit and karma is really that great to obstruct the noble and brave choice of the soul.


I have some deep feelings about this material, and maybe many of us feel the same way. My friend has described C as the most heroic soul, and I think it is not exaggerating at all. In the mission to save the planet, we can see from the lineal course of the spiritual journey that souls who participate at this special time bear the incomparable impulsive forces. C's case is a very significant one, and we are grateful for her sharing and her devotion to the planet. 



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