TranslatorLong Kuan


The captain in charge of external communications wore a wide white robe, and radiated high wisdom and divine universal love from his eyes, just like the image of Jesus. I suspected: Do interstellar captains all look like this?


Me: Sorry to be bothering you.


Captain: Its ok. Please go ahead.


Me: I mostly want to know about the culture of diet in the geocentric civilization. Please, how do you implement peace and love into your diet under the universal law?



Captain: We dont eat animal flesh. Animals and humans are both living beings in the universe, and they are respected. When animals suffer, we can feel it ourselves, just like twin brothers and sisters can perceive each others feelings, and the Creator can perceive the feelings of all beings in the universe.

The principle of all beings are one is that humans are connected with animals and nature, and they form the eco-chain of co-existance. Humans caused the distinction of animals by killing them, resulting in the unbanlanced ecology.


Me: What are the consequences of losing balance of the eco-chain?


Captain: The original intention of creating animals was to assist humans. Perception ability of the animals can help humans to develop science and seek the original nature of the soul, and they inspire the love in humans heart. The beauty of life can be communicated without using language, and the mutual love could be shared among different species. The respect for life is the universal law of peace. Once the animal eco-chain is unbalanced, the environment for human survival would be subjected to food shortage, and nature would face great calamities. Your scientists have confirmed that many abnormal phenomenons of the climate came from the results of eating meat, why dont you listen to your conscience?


Me: Im hoping your experiences and the universal law of peace could help us to fix the imminent problems of survival.


Captain: The question is whether your determination to change is strong enough.


Me: Doesnt the problem lay in our dietary concept?


Captain: This is the point. If the determination is strong enough, you are bound to try actively any rate of return on investment that can achieve the biggest benefit with the lowest cost.


Me: What is the problem that you see?


Captain: Realization of the universal love would definitely make you identify with the concept of plant-based diet; survival is established under the law of peace and love.


Me: Your main food is?

艦長:來自大自然所供給的植物性營養就已經足夠,我們也食用過你們地表的食物,像是米、小米、麵食、玉米、豌豆 ……… 這些食物富含的營養價值很高。

Captain: Plant nutrition from natures supply is enough already. We also had food from the ground, like rice, millet, wheat food, corn, peas… … these food have high values of nutrition.


Me: Are these food corresponding to the needs of your body function, or is there any other factor?


Captain: Yes, we take in the needed elements from them, and the food was also very delicious. I hereby thank you for supplying them.


Me: How do you acquire food from the ground?


Captain: Stealing.

筆者:這 ………?

Me: What……?


Captain: Under the universal law of peace, all the nessicities of life are commonly owned and shared, but in terms of your law, our action is equivalent to stealing.


Me: I can identify with the concept of sharing and co-owning. What kind of food do you eat except food from the ground?


Captain: Food is not a very important matter for us. Sustainment of life does not completely rely on food, and food from the ground is just fun to have a taste. 

筆者:您剛剛所提到的主食,是 ………?

Me: The staple food you just mentioned, are they… … ?


Captain: It was a selective answer based on what you need to understand at the moment.


Me: So, you dont actually need to have food?


Captain: You can say so.


Me: How do you sustain the basic life function?


Captain: In your terms, we elevate and sustain the life energy through the way of spiritual practice.


Me: Is the way of spiritual practice what we can understand?


Captain: Its equivalent to meditation, receiving spiritual supply from higher level in silence and concentration, just like plants absorb sunlight for photosynthesis and growing. The nature of spirituality is not much different, we also need nourishment of the light, to achieve evolution of the spirit and life being.


Me: It seems that the law of sustaining life would go back to unification with the spirit in the end. Is there anything you want ground humans to know?

艦長:(語重心長) 生命的意義在於尊重生命,宇宙的法則不允許因犧牲其它物種生命所造成的痛苦,換取自身生命的延續。飲食習性就可察覺自身是否生活在實踐愛與和平的法則之中。

Captain: sincerely) The meaning of life is to respect life, and the universal law does not allow the suffering caused by sacrificing lives of other species for the continuation of ones own life. The eating habit shows whether or not you are practicing and living in the law of love and peace.


Me: Thanks for your information, you pointed out what I wanted to understand in a timely way, as if you knew what I meant without too much description.


Captain: When you were hesitating whether or not to commence this conversation, we had already received the message, and were glad to provide you with necessary assistance.


This is such an unexpected surprise! And it made me more confident and willing to continue exploring in this direction. I would like to thank all the clients in the past and future for accomplishing my work, so the people who need them can get related information from it. Thank you all!




And the LORD God commanded the man, saying,Of every TREE OF THE GARDEN THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT.

Even as the green herb have I given you all things. But FLESH WITH THE LIFE THEREOF,which is the blood thereof,SHALL YE NOT EAT.

~ Genesis Holy Bible





 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, YE SHALL EAT THE BLOOD OF NO MANNER OF FLESH: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut of


~ Leviticus 17:14. King James Bible

~ 《利未記》英皇欽定本聖經



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